"Just a Shopaholic with a passion for nature, wildlife, books, sports, crafts, cooking, good food and gadgets. A Loyal Friend"

Monday, April 27, 2009

Home.. Here I come

Will be going home for a short trip.. its my brother's wedding. I can't wait to go home. I miss my siblings and my mum and my dad and my grandmas... And the home cooked meal. Gosh! I miss everything about home.. But its gonna be a real pain in my heart too cuz I know everyone will probably ask 1 question. which is WHEN IS MY TURN TO GET MARRIED??? shitty lah like this. I am gonna screw those who ask me that particular question and tear them apart... HAHAHAHHA..

However, I am looking forward going back home. The last time I went back is during the Raya. Thats few months back.. Off now, need to get few stuff to bring home...

Yours Truly =)

3 Shopaholic Alert!!:

♥ Carol ♥ said...

Hey babe.. long time didnt hear from u.. aku lamak sik online coz modem ku kaput huhu... best la ko balik kampung sik lamak gik..neway, hope to catch you and debbie in kl in september coz im coming down again hehe .. miss u babe.. u take care aite...


The Geek Goddess said...

memang la sidaknya akan nanya bila mauk kawin...sikkan mauk nanya bila mauk beranak ka, bila mauk cabut gigi ka.....layan je la.....hahahahahaha

syafiqa salim said...

hahaha..it's natural la
when u grown up, everybody is so busybody..asking when will u married??

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