"Just a Shopaholic with a passion for nature, wildlife, books, sports, crafts, cooking, good food and gadgets. A Loyal Friend"

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Yes! that's me.. at home i am being buried in books since I am rearranging all the furniture in our rented house.. need to make the living room looks more spacey and easy to clean.. I am too bored because I am all alone in the house.. my hubby is not around for a week due to his duty.. hopefully tonite I will be able to put all the books to where they belong...

 While in the office, I am buried under all the thousands paper... I have to print out 5 months of report. Each need 12 copy. The average of all the report are 75 pages. I am surrounded by paper today. And I am too tired to do other stuff.. and the bad news is eventhough tomorrow is Good Friday, I have no holiday because in Peninsular Malaysia there's no public holiday for Good Friday.. sigh...
Yours Truly =)

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