"Just a Shopaholic with a passion for nature, wildlife, books, sports, crafts, cooking, good food and gadgets. A Loyal Friend"

Monday, April 28, 2008

The 8 Facts about me

I got tagged again.. and again.. and again.. and this time from our very own pink lover, Ms. Carol the Pinky Gal..

The Rules
Link to your tagger and post these rules.
List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
Tag eight people at the end of this post and list their names.
Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.

8 facts bout me that you didn't know or maybe you already know hehe...

1.The Nature-Loving Shopaholic
I love shopping, I love animals. Name it domestic or wild animals. I love the nature. Without the nature we won’t live happily. Save and conserve.

2. Cooking is One of My Passion
I love cooking but don’t have much time to do it. And the fact that I live alone make me even lazier to cook because I think that eating-out is wayyyyyyyy cheaper than cooking for myself. I love baking but seldom do it too except for special occasion or special request from my Mr.BF

3. Camwhoring
I love taking peoples and scenery photos and whatever appears beautiful in front of me. I can’t live without my camera. And I love taking photos of myself too. I can act differently and look different too… Ahh.. I just love photos…

4. I choose what I eat..
I don’t like ‘mee besar’. They look like worm to me. Hehehe… I don’t eat something with the coconut milk, dizzy afterwards. I don’t eat ‘kueh lembik’, feels like old people… hahahhaha… I don't like rice, seriously.. Weird but I am a Malaysian who doesn't like rice, SO I don't care if the Rice stock for Malaysia is very critical now.. It not on my must have food... If I list down everything, it would be 1001 type of food that I didn’t eat and reasons behind it.. But as long as I have my dried salt fish, I’ll be okay

5. I love chocolate
Anything with chocolate in it would be fine. I’ll eat it.. except the big no no food lah...

6. I loves Books
Books is a definitely a YES. I can roam over the whole bookstore without even knowing or noticing that I was there for the pass few hours. I can spend my entire day in a bookstore or reading my books. I am obsessed about books. Even the way I arrange them in the bookshelves. OMG!! Am I a Book Freak??? Yes I am...

7.Short Fling / Crush
I am not shy to admit this.. I always have a short fling or crush over some cute guys or my typical type of guy... most of the time it would last for 2 weeks... then I'll be bored... then I'll move on to the other guy, if I found any... But deep down in my heart,no matter how handsome or gorgeous or yummy they are, they are just my fling.. my crush... and I am still in Love with my other significant half.. Nothing can compare my love to him.. its become stronger day by day... so give me the hottest guy in the world, I'll go head over heels to him for that particular 2 weeks and then I'll get bored again.... hahahhaha... but I am head over heels with my Mr.BF every single second,minutes,hours, days, weeks, months and years...... =).. oh I am so in love with him!!!

8. Shoe Shopping is My retail therapy
Whenever I am stressed out, I loves to go for a shoe shopping or maybe window shopping.. Looking that those gorgeous shoes particularly the high heels makes me happy again.. especially If I found any gorgeous shoe and buy it.. it would make my day for weeks... I know its not a good habit, but thats just the way I can be myself again... so If you think that I am stressed out, call me and bring me to the shop and we can try on to almost any shoes... LOL..

Now, you know a little bit of facts about me and its your turn now.. I can't reveal anything more as someone might use it to go against me.. YA! those people who dislikes me for what I am, for they envy what I have and what I've become.. yes you know who you are...

So, I am tagging this people here hehe.. Do it if you have time.. it is not a must okay.. I am just spreading this

1. Cynthia C.
2. Leona
3. Peejal
4. MissLamau
5. MissFabulous
6. Aaron Paran
7. LadyBird
8. Sharon C.

Yours Truly =)

5 Shopaholic Alert!!:

Everybody Has A Story said...

Hahaha... I knew I like you for a good reason.. hehehe.. we're so alike in so many ways.. I found someone who doesn't like to eat rice like me..sob..sob..terharu.. Love shopping for shoes and go crazy over books..hehehe

Yenny said...

Nora : hehehe.. yalah.. we have so many things in common.. never tot that I would find someone similar to me... I hate rice since I was very small.. my mom told me whenever she give me the rice porridge, I will not open my mouth and vomit it.. but if she gave me the instant porridge like Nestume I will open my mouth widely... even when I was in my primary school, during meals time..I will count the rice,put one by one into my mouth and chew one by one.. just imagine how small the rice is and yet I still do that.. and 1 scoop of rice took me about 1 hour plus to finish.. when I first go to the boarding school, it was the nightmare.. you know lah kan.. not many food choices and I have to eat too.. sanggup mkn roti crackers everyday and I eventually fall sick and dpt cuti 2 minggu.. and my mom so bising becuz of that.. so I've learnt to eat the rice but wont go to the dewan mkn everyday.. mcm selang 2 hari lah... my crackers is still my choice.. night time, burger is a definitely a must.. but I don't gain cause I was very2 active back then.. =) wanna see my kurus photos? hahahha

Elara said...

Hehehe patutla nowadays ko sik suka makan kuih org tua, time kecik dah puas makan nestum. :P

Everybody Has A Story said...

Hahaha... my mom said she has to chase me all over the house just to feed me rice and after I ate a spoonful or 3 tops, i will puasa for a year..hahaha...till now I only eat rice like 3 times a week, if I ever eat la.. most of the time i paksa diri bah..hehehe...

Everybody Has A Story said...
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