"Just a Shopaholic with a passion for nature, wildlife, books, sports, crafts, cooking, good food and gadgets. A Loyal Friend"

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I did something right today

 But why i felt guilty about it... but I am happy that I did this because I can't rest in peace thinking how she cheated others.I was cheated too because I didn't know about it earlier. But when I know about it.. I know I have to do something about it. I can't let my other crafter friends being cheated by her.

The owner of the website took time to scan or capture contains for the e-book and shared them for free and yet this person downloaded them and sell them and took all the benefits. This is totally wrong.

Yours Truly =)

1 Shopaholic Alert!!:

The Geek Goddess said...

Eeee...nang sik alang-alang menipu eh...aku try gi blogshop nya di blogspot tek alu sikpat, kali nya dah hide kali.

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