"Just a Shopaholic with a passion for nature, wildlife, books, sports, crafts, cooking, good food and gadgets. A Loyal Friend"

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Since I knew that I am pregnant, I was determine to use Cloth Diaper for the little one instead of disposable diaper. The reason behind it is to help saving the earth, in a way that we'll train our baby to be nature lover just like us. Disposable diaper ada macam2 bahan kimia yang menyebabkan baby rasa sentiasa kering and sometimes these lead to diaper rashes to some babies. these are some of the chemicals inside the disposable diaper; 

1)Dioxin, which in various forms has been shown to cause cancer, birth defects, liver damage, and skindiseases, genetic damage, is a by-product of the paper-bleaching process used in manufacturing disposable diapers, and trace quantities may exist in the diapers themselves. Dioxin is listed by the EPA as the most toxic of cancer related chemicals
2)Tributyl-tin (TBT) – a toxic pollutant known to cause hormonal problems in humans and animals
3)Sodium polyacrylate -If you have ever seen the gel-like, super absorbent crystals in a disposable than you have seen this first hand. Sodium polyacrylate is the same substance that was removed from tampons because of its link to toxic shock syndrome.Disposable diapers is the 3rd biggest rubbish contributes  in the earth even though only 5% of world population are using it.Selain itu, it takes 500 tahun untuk disposable diaper untuk terurai. Save the earth with Cloth Diaper!

Selain daripada itu, kita juga dapat jimatkan duit perbelanjaan rumah dengan menggunakan cloth diaper. Penggunaannya yang boleh digunkan berulang kali dan tahan lama adalah sangat economical.Bayangkanlah sehelai Cloth Diaper (CD) boleh digunakan sehingga 3 tahun dan jika dijaga dengan betul boleh digunakan untuk anak yang seterusnya. Dibawah adalah contoh pengiraan yang telah saya buat berdasarkan harga pasaran. Harga mungkin berubah pada bila-bila masa.

Lunatots CD
Disposable Diaper Biasa
Disposable Diaper Mahal
2 bulan pertama
20pcs x RM48
= RM960
12 pcs x RM0.60 x 60days = RM432
12 x RM1.20 x 60 days = RM864
34 bulan seterusnya
6pcs x RM0.60 x 30 days x 34 months = RM3,672
6pcs x RM1.20 x 30 days x 34 months = RM7,344
Tahun ke -4
6pcs x RM0.60 x 30 days x 12 months = RM1,296
6pcs x RM1.2 x 30 days x 12 months = RM2,592

 Gambar dibawah adalah contoh perbezaan size bagi CD Lunatots dan QQ Baby. Jika anda bercadang untuk menggunakan CD sejak baby lahir, saya sangat galakkan untuk membeli Lunatots CD sbb sizenya yang kecil berbanding QQ Baby atau CD jenama lain dipasaran seperti Coolababy. Namun ini hanyalah pedoman dan terpulanglah kepada mana-mana pihak untuk memilih yang mana satu. Harga pasaran bagi kedua-dua CD ini juga adalah berbeza. QQ Baby adalah lebih murah berbanding Lunatots tetapi saya tidak pasti dari segi penyerapan dan daya tahan nya. Have to wait for another 2 years supaya saya boleh update mengenai perbezaan CD ini...

S Size for Lunatots (Left) and S size for QQ Baby (Right)
XL Size for Lunatots (Left) and XL size for QQ Baby (Right)

Whatever your decision is,its up to you. I've choose to use this CD for my baby. And I only hope the best for all of you out ther. Save the earth and Back to Nature...

Yours Truly =)

1 Shopaholic Alert!!:

yatie said...

Thanks! Info n analisa bguna.

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